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Great Moments of Discovering How Jesus Works Through Us. 

Bible Zone  2025

Each week our campers have an opportunity to explore and learn many different stories from the Bible. They are shared at the beginning of our day with one of the Ministers from our four sponsoring churches. They are then further explored throughout the camp day in various activities. By the end of the summer our hope is that the campers begin to understand the tremendous impact these stories had on those first followers and how it continues to today. 




Session One , Week One (June 30 - July 4[Canada Holiday July 1) 


Theme: Superheroes of the Old Testament 


Young David Takes Down a Giant
Joshua Takes Down a Skyscraper



Session One, Week Two (July 7 - 11)


Theme: Miracles of Jesus in the New Testament


The Man Let Down Through the Roof 

Feeding the Multitudes 

Calming the Storm



Session Two, Week One (July 14 - 18) 


Theme: Amazing Wonders 


Moses and a Burning Bush 


Jonah and the Big Fish


Session Two, Week Two (July 21 - 25)


Theme: Christmas In July 



Mary Gives Birth to a Superhero 

We Three Kings 



Session Three, Week One (July 28 - Aug. 1) 


Theme: Following Jesus 


Elijah Takes on an Army 

Daniel Chills a Bunch of Lions



Session Three, Week Two (August 5 - 8 [August 4 Holiday) 


Theme: Following Jesus 


Parable of the Talents

The Beatitudes

Let Your Light Shine



Session Four, Week One (August 11-15)


Theme: Kingdom Rock


David is Made King

Esther Becomes Queen

King Josiah Follows God’s Way



Session Four, Week Two (August 19-23)


Theme: Easter In August


Jesus and a Humble Donkey 

Good Friday 

He is Risen 






Summer Address

The Donway Covenant United Church 

230 The Donway West

Don Mills, Ontario

M3B 2V8


Mailing Address

62 Langbourne Place

Don Mills, Ontario 

M3B 1A9

Administrator for Registration Inquires: Lorrie Daly-Price


(416) 527-2579


Camp Phone July and August:

A Director contact will be available closer to summer 2025. 

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